Op deze pagina vindt u relevante artikelen, websites en filmpjes die te maken hebben met muziek en/of faalangst. Heeft u aanvullende suggesties voor artikelen, websites, boeken en/of video’s? Mail deze dan naar info@cfmusic.nl.
📖 Improving Music Teaching through Interpersonal Relationships
🌏 Cijfers: wel of niet in de ban?
🎥 Brené Brown - Daring Classrooms SXSWedu 2017
🎥 Alfie Kohn - Carry the Tune
🎥 Brené Brown - The Power of Vulnerability
Brené Brown, SXSWedu 2017 Keynote, Daring Classrooms
We need to understand how scarcity affects the way we lead and teach, we have to engage with vulnerability and we need to learn how to recognize and combat shame.
In this interview for the documentary "Carry the Tune" (http://www.carrythetune.com), education author Alfie Kohn talks about ways in which schools inhibit learning and devalue non-STEM areas like music. Alfie Kohn's work can be found at http://www.alfiekohn.org "Carry the Tune" highlights the study of music as an avocation and shares stories of music's profound importance in people's lives beyond high school.
Brené Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love.
In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.