‣ Hendricks, K. S., Finn, D. A. K., Freeze, C. M., & Kono, J. (2023). Facilitating trust and connection through musical presencing: Case study of a conflict transformation facilitator. In K. S. Hendricks (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of care in music education. Oxford University Press.
‣ Hendricks, K. S., Dansereau, D. R., Bauman, B., & Freeze, C. M. (2023). Fostering trust in music classrooms: A review of the literature. Update applications of research in music education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/87551233231183366
‣ Hendricks, K.S., Freeze, C. M., & Yi, T. (accepted). Spaces and facets of trust for LGBTQ+ music students: A multiple case study. Oxford Handbook of Gender and Queer Studies in Music Education.
‣ Freeze, C. M. (manuscript in preparation). Teaching “refugee” students: Beginning to consider some applications.
‣ Hendricks, K. S., Yi, T., & Freeze, C. M. (2022, November). Spaces and facets of trust for LGBTQ+ music students: A multiple case study [Paper presentation]. National Association for Music Education (NAfME) National Conference, National Harbor, MD.
‣ Hendricks, K. S., Dansereau, D. R., & Freeze, C. M. (2022, July). Fostering trust in music classrooms [Poster]. The 35th International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference. (Remote).
‣ Hendricks, K. S., Finn, D. A. K., & Freeze, C. M. (2021, October). Facets of trust and the music-making of a conflict transformation facilitator. Research paper presented at the International Conference of the Cultural Diversity in Music Education (CDIME) Network. (Remote).
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