To a certain degree, we encounter failure on a daily basis. When trying something, there is always the risk of being unsuccessful. It is a natural part of life. Failure can mean a variety of things to every individual. To some, it may be an encouragement to do better; to others, it may be demotivating and disappointing. For some, fear of failure can even be experienced as debilitating, and massively impact their day-to-day routines, as it not only can affect their results, but also their mental wellbeing.
In this thesis, the manifestation of fear of failure and its effect on students studying music in secondary school will be discussed. Fear (of failure) is an impediment on many levels, including playing music. Research has been conducted on the ways in which music teachers can coach students who suffer from a severe fear of failure, in order to help them play music with more joy and confidence, and to achieve better results. Musical talent is, for this purpose, insignificant. What is more important is a noticeable positive development for the student. The aim of this project is to create an online platform for music teachers wherein clear tips and guidelines will be outlined on how to achieve the best results when coaching students dealing with a fear of failure.